Oh, my. This morning’s sky was so beautiful that I had to run back inside and get the camera.
We’ve had clouds and some rain off and on for a week or so. Some of those late afternoon heat thunderstorms that don’t always even produce rains.
But the skies have been amazing.
I don’t know much about the different kinds of clouds or the weather (I’m pretty much limited to, “it’s hot” or it’s cold!”) but I can sure appreciate the picture-perfect postcards that Mother Nature has given us of late.
When the sky is lit up in orange and pink hues, my late Oma (German Grandmother) would always say, “Die Engel backen Kuchen.” That translates to “the angels are baking cake,” which is a lovely saying that we carry on in our family.

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Oh my, that sky… it almost looks like the Aurora Borealis! Beautiful!
Kylee — it does kind of look like the Aurora Borealis, doesn’t it. I hadn’t thoguht of that. It was just so breathtaking.
Love the datura. I need some of that for my yard. (Funny post about the sweet potato vine. I was a bit shocked when I saw my first potato from that vine too!)
Wicked Gardener – Thanks – The Datura are so pretty and so fragrant, though they do get messy when those seed pods turn brown and burst open, spilling their tiny seeds everywhere. The pods look like some Medieval torture device! I’ll have to do a post on them now…
The Datura is kickin! Great plant for a moon garden.
Great picture of all those datura! I’m curious about seed-saving, though– how do I know when they’re ready? The pods always split open and hide their seeds in the lawn before I expect them to, and I’m wondering whether waiting till they’re brown but not completely crunchy is long enough.