Bonnie, at Kiss of Sun, posted about the sad and sagging plants in her hot Central Texas garden, and thus inspired me to post my dying plant pictures, too!
So, here is a lovely garden tour of the hot, dry, or dying plants in my veggie garden. The top photo is half-dead tomato plants with a few dessicated marigolds around the perimeter.Here are some more dehydrating tomatoes!
The lush, green plant is a malabar spinach, and the white, paper-like leaves are the remnants of the wonderful cucumbers we had earlier in the season.
This is the biggest casualty of our vacation — this tomatillo completely gave up the ghost while we were gone. I spent about an hour out there today cutting all the dead stalks off and then pulling it out of the ground. There’s a tomato growing under it, so it now occupies that cage and maybe it will be happier with some room to grow.
What you can’t really see is the prolific Cypress vines that continue to HAUNT me!
I jokingly told Bonnie that I think when the earth stops spinning, only cockroaches and Cypress vines will remain! The one, measly little vine that I planted last year is trying to come back by the thousands and just won’t give up. But I am bound and determined to win, so I just keep plucking them out of the ground, otherwise they will choke everything in the garden. They are definitely POT only plants (like mint!).
So, what’s dying in your hot, summer garden?!!
I love it, it’s like a reality TV show where it gets so ugly but you just can’t turn away. I pulled my pickling cucumber this morning. Not one fruit all summer and I was having to fight too hard to keep the mites off. So out it comes. And another squash bit the dust. Eggplant on the other hand look awesome!
I’m losing some of my favorites: my agapanthus that looks so pretty in early summer, and a decades old Fatsia aren’t happy at all. This spring I did a lot of new landscaping, and all of it is suffering but I’m managing to keep it alive because I spent thousands on it. It’s pretty discouraging.
Robin at Getting Grounded
Bonnie – you’re right, it’s a lot like reality tv. Or gawkers at a wreck on the highway! Just can’t stop looking. I gave up on squash years ago. Can’t stand the heartache of those borers gnawing through my precious veggies. Good luck with the eggplant.
Robin – That sounds tough. But once you’ve made the investment you just can’t sit and let it die. I’m hoping we have an early Fall to make up for the extra month of summer!
Hi Diana! Thanks for stopping by my “crafty” blog. You have a little more dying than I do. Thank goodness the last week has been cool (80’s) and low humidity. My plants weren’t liking the 90’s and high humidity we were having. My cucumber have spots all over the leaves, but they are still bearing. Some of my bush beans have rust (or that’s what I think it is), but the others are fine and still bearing heavily. Peppers are still good. The 3 tomatoes are looking a little ragged at the bottom, but I may give out before they do!
Kim – I like your crafty blog! My tomatoes are sad on the bottom as well, but seem good on top and I have a bunch of green tomatoes coming. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!