They say we’ve had 1.3 inches of snow here in Austin, Texas at 1:30 in the afternoon, CST. It’s amazing. Big, fat, wet flakes came down in a flurry several times this morning — giving us a winter wonderland treat.
Hard to believe that it was 76F and sunny here yesterday. That’s more like our normal weather, but we all know there is a chance of freezing temperatures anytime in March, though it’s not very likely.Our tropical foliage is covered with a frozen dusting of magic.
This great snow is making beautiful abstract scenes in our once-green and brown gardens.
The birds were flocking to the feeders at lunch, looking for some fuel to warm them up on this blustery day.
I’m not sure how the Rainbow Swiss Chard feels under this blanket.
Footprints in the snow — and proper use of those cute rubber boots!
See the accumulation? They say it’s the most snow we have had here since the winter of 1984-85. And I remember — my little boy was a year old and we have pictures of him bundled up and placed in the snow. He just stood there and stared at it!
Snowflake art on the roof of the greenhouse from the inside — where it is toasty warm today and the heaters are both going.
The view of snow outside the greenhouse, seen through the succulents and cacti that are nice and warm inside.
Dakota says, “I don’t really know about this white stuff — what’s going on out here in my yard?”
Winecup seems a little chilly out here today.
The Mahonia is bizarre looking to begin with — snow adds another element to it’s exotic look.
Artemis looks abandoned with no floral hair and covered in snow.
I sure hope these Daffodils don’t mind being wet and snowed-upon. Sure would hate to lose them now.
It’s just one big adventure living here, isn’t it? Did YOU have snow today?
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