Maggie Roses keep each other company.


It’s hot. Dang hot.

But they’re still going and so am I!

This is a cooler summer than the last two summers have been. We’ve enjoyed lower temperatures and much more rain than we normally have. But not too much rain, like 3 years ago!

So my garden is pretty happy this Bloom Day. Carol, of May Dreams Gardens, invites us to share what’s blooming in our gardens on the 15th of every month so we can share and compare and contrast with what’s going on all around the world.

Sapphire Showers Duranta leans down to mingle with Sedum Autumn Joy.

So, here are some of my blooms. Some things are not as full of blooms because they’re used to the blazing heat and drought.

Love Lies Bleeding

My Amaranth, a passalong from Phillip, of East Side Patch, is 4 feet tall and just sprouted a lovely bloom. I’m hoping for many more blooms trailing over soon!

Grandpa Ott Morning Glory

The Plumeria were stunning last month, but they are coming to the end of their bloom cycle now. This is the last bloom on my three plants.

Cypress Vine

The Cypress Vine looks pretty here. But what you’re not seeing here is how it has taken over the vegetable garden and is trying to choke out the tomato plants, the pepper plants, the strawberries … you get the idea!

Trailing Lantana

The Esperanza is bursting with blooms all around the pool area.


Clematis Jackmanii

I love the look of this Crape Myrtle next to the Ruby Crystals grass flowing in the breeze.

Angel Wing Begonia

I love how this beautiful plant from my good friend looks in the pot by the front door.

Homestead Verbena

This is the verbena that was supposed to be the wonderful deep purple but it turned out to be white.

Senorita Rosalita Cleome
Moy Grande Hibiscus

The fabulous big-as-your-head hibiscus is performing up to it’s reputation again this year.
Can you believe that these dianthus all around the walk way up to the front door, planted last November, are still blooming? I’ve lost a few to the heat, but boy, are they hearty.

Yarrow – Paprika
One of many different colors of Lantana around the gardens.
Sedum Autumn Joy
Blackfoot Daisy

And, last but never least, the ever xeric Blackfoot Daisy. Takes a licking and keeps on ticking!

Happy Garden Bloggers Bloom Day – what’s blooming in your garden today?