As we felt the wrath of tropical storm Hermine last week, I was most worried about all the tiny little seeds I’d so carefully planted just a few short days before.
I had visions of them floating away down the road to the neighboring town of Buda.
Then I had visions of them simply drowning in the mud-filled beds.
And finally, I had visions of them surviving, but scattering and intermingling so that I would never know what was what.
Guess what? They liked the rain. So much so that some of them popped their little heads up in just 4 days!
These are bush beans with their pretty little copper marker made with my nifty spiffy label maker. (Do you have one? I love mine!)And these tiny little guys are going to grow up to be Brussels sprouts.
While some of the plants are a little water-logged, many of my plants have emerged rejuvenated after the storm. This ice plant is bright and cheery.
This heavenly hibiscus loved the deep, long drink.
The Hyacinth bean vine blooms burst forth after the heavy rains.
These plants aren’t in the direct path of the rain (although we had lots of sideways rain), they loved the humidity of the storm.
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