No, this isn’t last year’s photo.
It isn’t a silk flower.
It isn’t a painting.
This is the first Bluebonnet of the season. With the tiniest piece of a bloom opening to these warm February days.
Yesterday it was 91 here. Last night it was 41 at our house and today it’s 60 with up to 40 mph winds. I’m ready for the winds to STOP so I can get to work on…this box!

Teucrium Aroanium
Agastache ‘Acapulco Salmon & Pink’
These are my baby daffodils – planted long ago and name long-lost!
The bees and the butterflies were literally swarming around the Texas Mountain Laurels yesterday. I kept trying to get a close-up of this butterfly and there was one bee who kept trying to dive-bomb me, certain that I was going to take away his dinner. I told him I meant him no harm, but he didn’t listen, so I gave up and settled for a lesser photo, and me, unstung!
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