Ok, I have to admit I have Stevie Wonder singing in my head as I write this post title, so now I think maybe you do, too!
I just had to share.
Look at Ms. Daffodil above — here she is this morning. Looking for the sunshine that graced us today.

And here she is, this afternoon, as she begins to unfurl her precious petals in preparation for her “First Bulb of the Season Party!”
And you are invited!
I’m continually amazed at how such a simple little thing can be so joyful.
The normally-cranky looking Mr. Leatherleaf Mahonia is quite perky in today’s sunshine as well, as he shows off his yellow berries. The birds don’t eat them, though. I’m guessing they taste like they look – kind of prickly.

And here’s the view up the side path to the wild garden, with that glorious sunslight glinting on the trees. Lots of dead foliage and plants in here right now, but in spite of that, it looked beautiful to me today. Sunlight has a way of changing your view of things, doesn’t it?
I guess that’s why I love living in Texas – LOTS of sunshine. (Ask me how I feel about it in August!)
But, today, I’ll leave you with another jingle in your head – like McDonald’s…
“I’m Lovin’ It!”
Evening Diana,
Listened to Stevie Wonder on the way to dinner tonight, PBS radio show profiled Songs in tke Key of Life. Great song! Great album! In some ways I miss Texas, we were in Killeen for 4 years, pregnant two summers while there. Do miss the bluebonnets, share some with us in March/April please!
Janet — How ironic. Those were all great songs, weren’t they? Pregnant in the summer here, not so hot! I will definitely share bluebonnets and wildflowers as they pop up. I saw some Mexican hats popping up this week already – amazing, given our drought.
Diana, hard to believe it is almost that time. I love the bluebonnets and Indian paint brush. We lived in Frankfurt and Spardorf (a small village outside of Erlangen)
Love the daffodils, but not so much Stevie Wonder. Too many years of hearing him musacked (misspelling intentional). More of a Steve Earle girl myself. 🙂
Janet – I have cousins in Frankfurt – we spent 6 days there this summer. Small world, isnt’ it?
Jodi — Hope the Daffodil photos brightened your day. If she opens up tomorrow, I will probably have to post her again. It’s just too exciting!
Diana, love that Daffodil! I have gladiolus and hyacinth peeking out, and get this – I have a tiny viburnum in a container (moved when I got your big ones) in total bloom! I’m planning to take pics of it this weekend for proof. Spring is close, isn’t it? I felt very ready for it today.