A little rain and a little motivation
It’s amazing what a little rain will do for the garden … and for the gardener’s soul.
I am totally invigorated by the recent two days of steady rain that totals more than an inch. In our drought stricken area, this is a real blessing.
So yesterday, after a lovely lunch with Robin, of Getting Grounded, we went to Barton Springs Nursery to see what we could see. And we — rather — I — saw some bluebonnet PLANTS that had to come home with me!
I have not been successful with seeds because I have too much mulch in most places they would like to grow. So yesterday I painstakingly amended the soil with crushed granite in 3 little spots and pulled back mulch and made them a home. And then fenced them in immediately so my deer friends, Emmy and Lulu, wouldn’t come snack on them! (Did you notice that Madame Daffodil has invited a friend to her Spring Party?)
I also planted a Potato Vine and I bought an Abutilon that will get planted today. I’ve been eyeing everyone else’s and been green with envy. Unfortunately mine was mis-labeled, and when I called they just didn’t know what kind it was because it was a gift to them from a friend. I guess nurseries get passalongs, too. So I will post a picture tomorrow and you can help me ID it.
I also got a few Rain Lilies that Robin picked up from Annie at The Transplantable Rose when she was passing-along. I didn’t get in on the offer quick enough, but Robin shared hers with me and I am so excited to have some — I’ve never had any — thanks to both of you!
And the rain has also prompted these little Crocosmia above to pop right up out of the ground in search of sunshine.This lovely Hibiscus was waiting for me when I went into the greenhouse yesterday to open it up and let some humidity in from outside. Wow. It’s really very intricate. My photo doesn’t do it justice.
And here is the Bougainvillea that Robin gave me last Fall. Blooming happily — in February! She must think she is in Mexico!
As does this Desert Rose, happily blooming away in the greenhouse.