Sometimes our plants are just sneaky. This is my Saucer Hibiscus, foolishly planted in the front walkway bed, where the deer and the antelope play! (Just kidding – but only about the antelope part!)

Sometimes our plants are just sneaky. This is my Saucer Hibiscus, foolishly planted in the front walkway bed, where the deer and the antelope play! (Just kidding – but only about the antelope part!)
I have an iris, I have an iris! Planted two years ago, this is the first of a batch of irises I’ve been anxiously waiting to meet. And boy-oh-boy was I excited to see her arrival today. My DH took these amazing close-ups for me so I could share them with you. Thanks, sweetie!
I love these colors – they are so vibrant and unique. I can’t tell you what kind it is because this was planted before I kept any real records. If you know, feel free to tell me.
And here is one of our first roses from my spring bush plantings. This is Mrs. B.R. Cant, 1901. The deer did munch on it when it first went in, but I think it’s out of their main path and we’ll just keep trying. If she’s tough, she’ll survive…kinda heartless, but I have so few options in the sun due to the deer.
Iris I.D. Guesses based on my online searching:
Victorian Love
Choctaw Ridge