Spring cleaning…
Ok, so it’s not Spring, but with evening temps at 59 and daytime highs at 85, it feels like Spring.
So my DH and I worked on the ugly side of gardening this weekend – storage of all the “stuff” required to garden. My DH moved things around so that my garden storage cabinet (a 20-year old dresser from my son’s room) was actually accessible and we cleaned it out and I put lots of things away – soil, compost, gloves, trowels, pruners, you name it…lots of my tools found a home.
This is where they were, out in the open and messy. My goal is to move all of this into a cabinet and clear this space.
Buckets and piles and wagonloads of stuff…STUFF everywhere! And it seems to multiply, kind of like paperclips…

Or, maybe it’s just me…
I’m just not gonna go there. But, the greenhouse comes tomorrow and some things will need to be in there, so I’m hoping I can clean it up and spread it out and make it all look a little better for a little while. (I’m a binge and purge kind of garage cleaner!)