Finally a few blooms for their day…
We’re breathing a sigh of relief here in Central Texas as we celebrate Garden Bloggers Bloom Day with our friend Carol of May Dreams Gardens.
Blooms are slowly coming back to our gardens. We’ve had a taste of true winter here this year, and like most of our neighbors to the north, have had to wait a long time for spring to show her face.
We are about a month behind in growth for most plants in our gardens. And while the official chance of frost has not yet passed (the range takes us to the end of March), we think we are probably safe. (How’s that for scientific guesstimating?) Isn’t that what we gardeners do though?
So here are my blooms for this very slow March. Above is a new Phlox that I added to a front bed this week.My favorite time of year for the little peach tree – in its full glory. Since it never produces peaches, this is it – enjoy it!
After trying hard to kill all my Amaryllis this fall and winter, once they went into the greenhouse and got farther away from me, they were all happy and growing. This is the first one to bloom – it opened this week.
Okay – don’t put me in time out. I know these aren’t in the ground yet, but they will be this week and they’re just so pretty I wanted to photograph these Diamond Frost Euphorbia that will join the shade bed soon.
My Sierra Memorial Impatien is still blooming – bloomed all winter long. I hope it’s equally happy when it moves outside next week, because it’s getting a little too hot in the greenhouse when it’s 80F outside.
I have lots of strawberry blooms and even have little green strawberries growing already. I think these kinds of blooms are my favorite because I know they will yield sweet, juicy fruit that I can eat standing in my garden.
A few white and fucsia colored Alyssum plants went into vacant spots in the rock garden path yesterday. They love living in the crushed granite.
As does the Ice plant and the Homestead Verbena.
I hear my paperwhites are short because I planted them late, but they are really cute and they don’t flop over as easily either. Maybe I’m onto something!
Not a great shot, but you know the Hellebores are shy and hang their little heads so you can’t get a good photo of them. She’s pretty in spite of my lack of photo skills.
Even though the vines are pretty skanky-looking after our hard winter, I do have a few blooms on the Primrose Jasmine.
And much to my surprise, the mystery Viburnum left by the previous owners even has a little bloom on her.
The first Hymenoxis opened today and there will several following on her heels. They are growing where no one else will grown, and they like it there just fine.
Daffodils of all types are still blooming all over the beds. Sadly, I fear that those not close to blooming may not make it because it’s already too hot for them. It’s been 80F for several days and I see some leaves on daffodils without buds are already turning yellow.
Don’t ban me from GBBD for this one, but I just had to show you how close the Texas Mountain Laurel is to actually blooming. And yes, it is a full month behind. I was showing off beautiful Mt. Laurel blooms on Feb 18 last year:
A little Dianthus returning after the blooms all went away for the bitter cold of winter.
Loropetalum showing off her hot pink fringe flowers.
Mexican Plum tree in full bloom.
Yellow Grape Muscari “Golden Fragrance” that packs a punch of scent. It’s so sweet and yummy smelling, you almost want to take a bite out of it. (Sure hope no one does!)