A little Vitamin D…
No, not the bulbs…see…what’s embracing the bulbs?
It’s sunshine.
We haven’t had a lot of that the last two weeks, and I’ve been in bed most of that time with a sinus infection I can’t seem to shake.
But yesterday, the sun shined. I got a little energy, my good friend Robin, at GettingGrounded brought me some chicken soup and tea, and I think I turned the corner.
When I ventured outside to survey the garden and bask in that sunshine, I passed (for the hundredth time) a little plastic pot into which I had literally tossed a dozen or so bulbs I didn’t have time to plant. That was months ago – when I tossed them there, and they’ve been sitting in the garage – STARING at me. Lately, they’ve sent up green shoots to yell at me on top of the bulbs.
Sheeesh!So, yesterday, with my ears ringing, I thought — I’m not up to much, but surely I could spend 10-15 minutes planting these darn things so they will quit hollering at me. I have no idea what they are, either! I know that the little ones are passalong irises and the big ones on the left I bought myself and never planted. I think they might be paperwhites intended for a pretty glass jar with rocks.
Aren’t they pathetic? But they all had a smidgeon on green on them. So I soaked them in some water and dutifully planted them in the garden.
But don’t tell anyone their story…I’m afraid someone will call PPS (Plant Protective Services) on me!
Do you have any plants, bulbs or seeds in your garden in need of an advocate? Do you peer over your gate in fear that your neighbors will call PPS on you?