Ok – HOT in Salzburg – but still delightful!
Today we struck out for the Hellbrunn Castle and its trick fountains and amazing gardens. We thought we could walk. We were wrong. Halfway there we caught a cab. It was a cool tour and Kallie managed to get wet enough in the trick fountains to enjoy it but not too wet for the rest of the day. A little lunch at the castle and a popsicle and a cab back to the hotel for a bit of a rest before we struck out on a late afternoon walk before dinner.
These trick gardens were built 400 years ago — a little whimsy from the Archbishop, who liked to play pranks on his guests — even at the dining table in the garden if they’d had a little too much wine to drink. And they couldn’t get up until the Archbishop left the table (his seat was strategically placed not to get wet!)Other kids raced through here and got soaked through and through.
Tomorrow we leave for Heidelberg, Germany and my feet are looking forward to some driving and a day off!